Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Still need that witty title

[Seriously though- I'm still waiting for those suggestions to pour in about what to call this section.]
This week, I'm going to feature a company that seems to be actually doing a lot of good. Ecover makes "ecological cleaners." So far I've used only their laundry detergent and dish soap, but according to their website they also have a ton of other products, like surface cleaners, hand soap, floor cleaner, etc etc.

Ecover is petro-chemical free, does not test on animals, and has been referred to as one of the "greenest carbon neutral products sold today." Ecover also does cool things like partner with the international charity Water Aid to provide sustainable access to safe water for communities in rural Ethiopia. Treehugger did an in-depth interview with Ecover not long ago and Peter Malaise, Ecover concept manager and handlebar mustache owner extraordinaire stated, "You never reach sustainability, you are always on the road." Well said, Mr. Mustache, well said.


Rachel said...

consumer rumors

that's all i got today. i'll keep thinking

Jon said...

Harming farming.

Sorry if that's irrelevant. I stole it from Slate and I haven't read the section that you're asking for a title for.

Aviva said...

Jon- I like that it rhymes, but your comment was fairly useless. Thanks for the effort though.

Rachel- I think Consumer Rumors is officially the best option so far. If there aren't any other suggestions by the time I find another product I decide I want to write about, Consumer Rumors will win the grand prize!

Jon said...

I can't take too much credit, since I didn't put any effort into it at all.

What about "Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty?"

Rachel said...

did anyone else note the irony that the ecover guy's last name is Malaise? as in, general mild feeling of despair?

woo hoo grand prize

GoSustaino said...

Interesting story about Ecover as they were recently features on trendwatching.com under the June "eco-iconic" theme.
