Monday, August 11, 2008

Why haven't I heard about the Amazonian Chernobyl until now?

File this under things we should have heard about a long time ago. Apparently, U.S. oil giant Chevron has dumped over 17 million tons of oil waste in Ecuador, in an area with multiple indigenous tribes and thousands of rare species of plants and animals. The contamination is so bad that it is being referred to as the "Amazonian Chernobyl."

The toxic pollution has devastated the wildlife, poisoned the land and water, and sickened the people of Ecuador. 30,000 Ecuadorians have sued Chevron, and in typical form, they are denying responsibility.

Read all about it in the London Daily Telegraph and on Amazon Watch's excellent website, Chevron Toxico.

Have other people heard of this before now? Anyone else feel compelled to boycott Chevron?


Rachel said...

i have heard nothing of this! when did it happen?

also, your labels are priceless

Aviva said...

Apparently this has been going on since at least the 90s. Its crazy to me that none of us have heard of it. Elizabeth suggested that I do updates on the situation. So, I've joined Amazon Watch's email list and will give periodic updates. I also sent a letter to Chevron's president, which is a super easy action to take, if anyone else is so inclined: