Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Brief Love-Hate Relationship with EPA Reverts Back to Hate-Hate

Oh, EPA. On the same day that I praised you for doing something good, like banning a toxic pesticide, you have to go and screw it all up. The Washington Post reported yesterday that EPA instructed its staff members not to talk to reporters, congressional investigators, and even EPA's own enforcement officers. This is only the latest in a long history of EPA trying to suppress its staff members from speaking out against the agency.

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a great government watchdog group, made the discovery through an EPA email they got a hold of. Senator Boxer (D-CA), head of the Senate environment committee and part-time superhero, said on Monday that EPA administrator Stephen Johnson had turned "the EPA into a secretive, dangerous ally of polluters, instead of a leader in the effort to protect the health and safety of the American people." Oh, Snap! Take that, EPA.